The Erasmus+ funded “C2E- Care to Entrepreneurship” Programme is pleased to launch its new website platform The website will deliver the aims of the youthled transnational project designed to unlock the potential of young carers with an emphasis on girls to become social entrepreneurs.
It is estimated that there are more than 100 million carers in Europe today. This accounts for about one fifth of the entire European population. The vast majority of them are young people, principally girls, who face additional barriers to education, training, and employment.
Dr. Theo Gavrielides, IARS’s Director and C2E Project Coordinator said: “This project sets out to utilise the concept of entrepreneurship as a means to raising social inclusion for one of the most marginalised groups of our society, that of young carers. C2E adopts a youth-led methodology to help develop young carers practical, creative and entrepreneurial skills to enable them to become confident and successful young entrepreneurs”.
Responding to the priorities of the Lisbon agenda and the Europe 2020 strategy treating entrepreneurship as a key component of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, C2E targets young carers aged 18-30 with particular focus on women from low-income families and adopting a youth-led methodology, it
will construct and implement evidence-based, well-tested and replicable educational and training curricula to develop young carers’ practical, creative and entrepreneurial skills to enable them to become confident and successful young entrepreneurs.
The new interactive platform will feature news, blogs, project findings and updates, such as reports and policy briefs as well as events, workshops, online courses and face to face training. The website will also facilitate the development of a transnational network between strategic Partners, building on each other’s knowledge and experiences from their best practices in their national contexts for future transfer of know-how at a EU level.
The Programme is delivered, under the leadership of The IARS International Institute (UK), in partnership with 4 European partners:
Kentro Merimnas Oikogenieas Paidiou – KMOP (Greece),
Asociatia Habilitas – Centru Resurse si Formare Profesionala (Romania),
Anziani e Non Solo – ANS (Italy),
Diesis Coop (Beligum)
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