Output 1 – Building the C2E Curriculum
Output 1 objective is creating the curriculum of the C2E project, including structured training guides and defined modules aimed at piloting face to face training programmes for young carers and professionals working with young carers.
Curriculum aims to unlock the potential of young carers in becoming social entrepreneurs and to raise awareness professionals of young carers skills and resilience, linking them with businesses and social enterprises and
helping them to understand their needs for unlocking their potential.
The design of the curriculum structure is preceded by the the exploration of best practices and existing tools in the countries of each project partner.
Output 1 has the objective of implementing and piloting the C2E curriculum via face to face training events with young carers and professionals working with young carers.
The results will be captured through evaluation forms and other monitoring activities and will be published at the projects final publication. The learning from the pilots are expected to have a significant impact for EU wide and national policy as well as practice in the field of youth, training and education.
Output 2 – C2E Online Courses
The aim of the Output 2 is adapting the material produced in Output 1 for creating 2 e-courses addressed to young carers and professionals working with young carers. The e-courses has the objective of reaching over 100 young carers (at least 20 per partner) and over 100 professionals (at least 20 per partner).
The courses will be built on innovative, interactive platforms and will aim to be stimulating and informative taking into consideration the needs and constraints of the target audiences.
The e-courses will include evaluation questionnaires that will capture quality of the C2E capacity building material but also the demographics of our beneficiaries.
The evaluation results and the learning from the piloting will be published in the form of a report that will be produced on the IO3. The learning from the pilots are expected to have a significant impact for EU wide and national policy as well as practice in the field of youth, training and education.
Output 3 – C2E: Making it happen for Europe
Output 3 has the objective of bringing together all the research, pilots, learning and findings of the C2E into one e-book that will feature chapters in the participating languages as well as a comparative chapter in English. This e-book will be the first in the area of young carers and entrepreneurship, paving the way for Europe.
In specific, the e-book will integrate the theoretical and practical results of the programme including its pilots, training and on the ground learning from each participating country and Europe. It will also include policy recommendations and best practices for those serving young people.
Download the eBooks
C2E: MAKING IT HAPPEN FOR EUROPE (executive summaries)
Full Report C2E: MAKING IT HAPPEN FOR EUROPE (executive summaries and national chapters in English, Romanian, Italian, Greek and French)