UNITED KINGDOM (The IARS International Institute)
IARS held an informal event with students from the Institute of Development Studies to disseminate the work of the C2E project. This was held in a private working space in Brighton on the 6th April 2019, with thirteen participants in total, not including the coordinator. This event included six young people who had experience taking on caring duties, and seven who had worked in an environment in which they assisted young people with caring duties. The participants were from a global background, with participants ranging from Bangladesh, South Africa, Australia and Ecuador, as well as across Europe. The ages ranged from 21-45 years old, with the median age of the young people being 23 and median age of those who had worked with young people being 32. Participants were first introduced to the feeder project, Care to Work, and looked over the achievements it had made and knowledge it contributed to the field. They were impressed at the remit that the project had, enthused by the international emphasis of the work done. They felt that the transferable skills of young carers were frequently under-acknowledged and were happy this was finally being acknowledged on a policymaking basis. They were then introduced to the outline of the C2E project, and its focus upon assisting young carers become entrepreneurs. They were impressed at the specificity of
the project, but highlighted concerns regarding welfare aspects of the project, particularly with the lack of financial literacy training referred to in the project. Besides this, they felt the project had great potential for success, and would be scalable and replicable across a multitude of geographical and socioeconomic environments.

ITALY (Anziani e non solo)
In the past months, Anziani e non solo organised 5 workshop for professionals working with young people and young people
on the theme of entrepreneurship education as tool for supporting young carers. The 22 and 23 of January, the 6th of February and the 16th of April 2019, a total of 50 young people, of which 12 were also young carers participated in 3 different workshops
for implementing their entrepreneurship abilities and developing an entrepreneurship mentality.
The 7th of November 2018 and the 24th of January, a total of 17 professionals, in particular social workers and teachers, participated in 2 workshops for learning how to implement entrepreneurship capacities of young carers.

ROMANIA (Asociatia Habilitas – Centru de Resurse si Formare Profesionala)
On 28-31 January 2019 the piloting of the C2E workshops took place in Bucharest, Romania, organized by Asociatia Habilitas CRFP on the premises of DGASPC sector 1. Young carers and professionals learned information about the care process, social entrepreneurship, how to elaborate a business plan, examples of successful social businesses.
Young carers developed their skills for social entrepreneurship, while professionals developed skills for supporting young carers who wish to become entrepreneurs in social field.

GREECE (KMOP Social Action and Innovation Centre)
KMOP organised workshops with professionals and young carers that took place in Athens on 6 and 7 February 2019. Most of the participants were members of the EPIONI network, the Greek carers network, an organisation that KMOP is in close collaboration,
regarding carers issues. In the workshops, professionals and young carers had the opportunity to learn about the “carer’s concept”, the value of life-long learning and the benefits of social entrepreneurship. The basic scope of the workshops was to test the C2E
educational material and also to make professionals and young carers aware that social entrepreneurship can be an alternative path to employability with a social impact.

On 5-8 February 2019 Diesis organized the piloting of the C2E workshops in Belgium. The training was held in Legacoop office based in Brussels, with 10 participants in total, not including Diesis staff.
The piloting training was attended to 5 young carers (age between 21-25 years) and 5 professionals working directly with young carers (age between 29-43 years).
From the testing of the Training modules it emerged that Young carers involved, showed enthusiasm with regard to the possibility of becoming social entrepreneurs. They were interested and hungry for more information. They found the module interesting but they
would have appreciated more contents (on how to set up a business: identify the market, how to access credit…) and testimonials (real entrepreneurs explaining their stories).
On the other end the professionals showed interest in the modules but expected more contents, in particular on how to develop a business model in the social sector and the role of support organisations (like federations).